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C a l e n d a r  o f  E v e n t s  2 0 2 0

February 8, 2020 8:00pm

NACUSA-SF Composers & Friends I

A Clear Midnight

Sarita Cannon, sopranoLibby Kardontchik, piano

St. Teresa of Avila Church

San Francisco, California


February 16, 2020 4:00pm

Presidio Chapel Sunday Concerts

A Clear Midnight

Sarita Cannon, soprano; Libby Kardontchik, piano

Interfaith Center at the Presidio

San Francisco, California


November 21, 2020 8:00pm

NACUSA-SF Composers Performance Ensemble


The Ives Collective:

   Susan Freier, viola; Lori Lack, piano

Streamed from the Center for New Music

San Francisco, California


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